Saturday, May 30, 2009

Boring,boring and boring

haizzz.. wad r u guys doing within this super boring holiday? i cant go out because i need to help my mum to clean the house... but 2day is very hot!!! i dunno wad to do because the super hot day make me feel very lazy and sleepy...haha...
i wish to start class as fast as possible... my thinking is opposite with the others because i hate holiday....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

LUGE!!!!! Can u guess whose hand is that???


3rd day singapore

At the Night Safari........

3rd day, we go shopping for a whole day...
At night, we go night safari.... wow!!!so scary ah.... the silly bats, fly around!!! I am scare with the bats because the bats almost hit my head!!!shit!!!sooo...scary ah!!!

2nd day at singapore

A photo at sentosa.....

AT the 2nd day, we go for breakfast in the morning... then, we use train to go to sentosa...
Ard 6pm, i go and meet my favourite teacher... and we go and have our dinner at MARCHE...
Delicious food there...

After that, something happen!!!! I use the MRT to go back to my hotel... but i cant find the road back!!! I walk at Clarke quay for 2 hours... den finally find the road back to hotel...

Me,Yvonne and Miss Carleen...
1st day at singapore

Singapore trip

16th may, 7 of us include our lecturer(miss Carleen) have a trip to singapore... when we arrive at changi airport it was already dinner time..we check in to our room.. and we live at Robertson quay at Clarke quay...then we walk around then we meet miss Carleen friend called miao miao......haha....she a very funny gal... and all of us have fun with her... she bring us to a place called 'lao pa sat'.. there are many things to eat... wahhhh... i dunno wad to eat and wad should i choose bcz there are toooooo many things to eat... at last... i choose a food called minced meat ball with rice... very delicious... then, some of my fren drink beer... after tat, we go swimming at our hotel swimming pool... it was a small pool with a nice decoration!!! After swimming, it was ard 130 am... haha... so late lo... so we quickly take a bath den sleep... hehe

Thursday, May 14, 2009


haiz...a boring day ah... i hate holiday cz i cant meet my friends and i will become very boring... but i m happy that Yvonne chat with me for whole day...
I wish to go out with friend everyday but i dun have transport... aduh!!! I really hope that i can have my own car la... then i have more freedom!!!

Anyway.....i want to be with my friends.....
I wan to have more freedom!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

2day life

2day, Yvonne,Joanne and me decide where to go for around 1 hours...dunno whether wan to go to watch movie or o ktv??? but at last all of us decide....watching movie!!!haha....
The movie we watch today is 'shen qiang shou'... U know wad??When we watch the movie... 2 of us sleep ah.... i felt that movie are quite boring.... haha...
After we watch the movie, we go for a drink... we talk many things....Rojak!!! Dunno how to describe. haha...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Finish test

2day is the last day...i have been suffer for about 1 month because of the silly test... but i m happy because the test today are quite easy for me because i have learn 7 questions of part B.
But before test, i feel so lonely...because my dear best friend Yvonne have go away to find her tata... unfortunately, i find some friend and have lunch with them... i felt so boring....T.T
After test, we are very happy because this is the last subject for this semester....
Anyway, i hope that i can get a good result this semester...
Waiting for singapore trip... coming soon...