Tuesday, September 21, 2010

PMS Julau + Graduation!


Yeah! Graduate le...

Sorry for my late update....
On the 16th September, i depart from kuching to Sibu... i depart at 9am but i arrive in sibu around 4pm... i spend 7 hours just to sit inside the van.. super tired!
We check in at Medan Hotel Sibu... i thought that i m going to have performance during that night, but after i make up myself and i just know that the performance was on the 17th Sept...
Fine, i call my mum and ask her how am i going to rush for the convocations...
On the 17th Sept, i have to perform 2 session... 1 in the afternoon and 1 in the night time...
the show is for the Program Merakyatkan Seni(PMS)...
Awh, in the afternoon, we use van to climb up to the mountain....up & down... Suddenly the van cant climb up because the people told us that we must use four wheel drive so that we can get in to the place.... haix... so, i have to change the car... from full air-con van to non-aircon four wheel drive... OMG!! super hot! i have spend my afternoon time in the long house at Julau... Really hot and I cant survive.. haha.....
In the night time, we go to the another long house to do our performance...
And my performance were fully done... YEAH!!!!
After my performance, my mum and dad drive to Sibu and pick me up on the 18th Sept...
We depart from sibu in the early morning(around 5am) and reach around 1pm...
Opps! i m late for the convocations....
but, luckily they have not start the convocations... haha
i was so happy because my mum and aunt bought me 2 bears and Yvonne bought me a box of Choc.. thanks my lovely mummy, aunty and dear dear Yvonne....
i took my cert from the president and the president ask me a surprise question..
He asked me: "u still sing malay song?" wow... i am so happy that he still remember me...hehe....
after the convocations, my photographer, James Chia help me to take photo for my convocation and continue by my own album photo.... i m soo tired for this three days....
Although i m tired, but i m happy!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Here comes a boring post...
This whole week, boring at home..
watch movie, shopping with mum
cook for myself.....
2day, shopping with mummy at The Spring....
buy a lot of things at Ta Kiong... yeah!
But still feel boring.... dunno y.... haix....
A boring Raya....

Friday, September 3, 2010


So dissapointed that i cant manage to go in the final....
really feel sorry to our club and coordinator.....
And I m so sad too.....
Competition is Competition.... not concert or performance....
pls take note of dis thing.........
how can u judge contestant marks according to the crowds?
what kind of judge is this? SWT!!!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Miss U!!!!

2day i have my lunch with Brenda...
2molo she is going to fly away le....
Even we only been so close for 3 months,
but i really thanks RMH... Because that is the place where we meet and have fun 2gede..
i really appreciate that moment, and our friendship!
But, I hope she will have a bright future at ... place....
Gonna miss u a Lot!!!!!!
Keep in touch!