Wednesday, August 26, 2009

grandpa birthday!!!!

birthday cake!!!
the three sister....haha....
our family!!!
yesterday,25th of aug is my grandfather birthday... we have a family gathering at my house.... hehe.... so many ppl gather here... and yet my house are soooo "big"...haha.... almost full of ppl here.
bt, so sad is my grandfather sick and he only eat a little bit of mee and cake...haix....

then, before we start our dinner, my aunt brought a birthday cake 4 my grandfather and we sang a birthday song 4 him... and then crazy session....(keep on taking photo) haha...


Mrs Chew Kolo Mee said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY YEYE!!! Do help me send my wishes to Ye Ye ya!!!! Yeye! take care oh!!! May God Bless you oh! :)