Tuesday, May 11, 2010

happy interesting day!!!

hey hey.... i am quite happy 2day... u know why??
In the morning, after i bring my mum to office, i go to my aunty house and pick up my cousin and back home waiting for the arrival of my cheese cake sifu... Yvonne...
After she arrive, we start our ‘K' at home.. hehe.... she have sing for a few song... but my karaoke system got some problem because it is too old already!!! haiz... need to buy new system or maybe i will try to ask someone to repair it! haixx...T.T

After 'K', we make the Tiramisu Cheese Cake with my cousin and also Yvonne... It was so easy to make such a delicious cheese cake... haha.... i love it very much!!! thanks dear dear for teaching me...

Then, we continue with the movie in my cousin laptop called"IP MAN 1".... after i watch this... erm... thinking to watch "IP MAN 2" haha..... A very nice KUNG FU movie.... woohhh!!!

What a wonderful day i have 2day....yeapii!!
Going to college 2mlw for tourism club preview session...^_^

Sunday, May 9, 2010

boring holiday...

hello everyone... i had a very boring holiday now...
i have been to BCCK for dis 2 days... just to walk around and have a look on the exibition.
there have mant property company, some of them selling mattress, and also promoting the food from BCCK.
i walk around there and do a survey on the house because my mum think to buy a house, so we just walk around and see whether the house is suitable for us.... during our survey, i found that there are lot of house launching at Kota Samarahan which is located quite far from town. But according to the information, there will be many development there within this two years.
And i hope that in the future days, i can stay at a nice and beautiful house... haha...(just a hope)

Lastly, I am waiting for my interview at 4 points... hope that everything will run smoothly....

Really dunno wad to do this few days.... haix....