Tuesday, June 29, 2010

MY internship!!!

This is the forth weeks at Riverside Majestic Hotel.... now i m still at front office department, but yvonne, brenda already change to other department... because i told my duty manager that i want to extend one more week at f/o.....
now, i know how to check in and cut key....but i still dunno how to check out..... haix...
For the training at operator room, i m already familiar with it...
For outside call, " thank you for calling riverside majestic hotel, good morning, how may i help u?", for internal call,"operator, Rhodia, how may i help u....."
But now the OPERA system make me sooo headache, i spend a week just to know how to check in and the procedures of checking out a guest.... and dis is my second week at front desk....
sometimes, i will feel very angry with those super FUSSY guest..... ask those question that we dunno how to answer....STUPID QUESTIONS!!!!!
And today, when i was trying to learn something at the front desk, one of my colleague ask me to pass up the key to 17th floor... WAD I AM??? but after i go upstairs, i was just joking around say that my colleague ask me to walk here and there.... make me sooo busy.... after that, the upstairs old lady call and inform my colleague that i complain this things to her.... GILA!!!! i m just joking, why wan2 take it sooo serious? omg! Don't u know what is joking?? OMG!!!!
this really make me soo sad and fell very angry will those ppl...... shit shit!!!!

That wad happening 2day.... F**K

Thursday, June 3, 2010

PMS Lawas Show!!!!

At sipitang, Sabah


Padang, Lawas

Lawas mini airport

memorable day with them....

30 May 10... I m going to Lawas for a show with those malay.... happy!!! my flight is from kch-miri, miri to lawas.... i wait for 3 hours at miri airport.... haix.... so tired...
when i flight from miri to lawas.. the plane was totally small... shit.... like bas sekolah.. haih... so scary ahhhhhh!!! and my ears... PAINFUL ahh....scare to sit on MAS wing...
On the next day, prepare for the show... i wake up on 10am in the morning and go for breakfast with them. after that, we prepare for sound check at the stage... All fine...
Then, we back to hotel and prepare for the show at night.... there was many audience there... wahh!! like concert!!! GREAT!!! I sing 3 songs that night....then, i receive my salary....RMxxx
1 of june, we wake up early in the morning to go for senam seni( a type of exercise)... but because it is too hot, so i just sit there and do nothing.. haha.... After we bath ourselve.. we go sipitang(sabah)... wow.... the beach are really beautiful and we have our lunch there.... nice....
Around 1 pm, we fo back to hotel and prepare to come back to kch!!! have a very nice and memorable trip...